August newsletter: more gallery representation and challenges
Four images from my August daily ice edit challenge
It feels like things are progressing
I’m delighted to announce that my States Of Mind flower images will be exhibited at Gallery No56 in Corsham in September. If you are in the area, please do go and see them. Let me know if you are visiting and I will try and be there as well.
I also plan to be releasing new zines soon as well as prints and greetings cards on my website. It seems like lots of projects are coming together quickly!
What I’ve been up to this month
I have finished my images for my current project, “The Floor At The Arnolfini”. See below for what happens next.
I was also challenged to create a different edit of the same image every day in August. It is surprising how creative one can get when one is challenged in the way: it has been a really useful exercise in improving my editing skills but also in changing the way I think about editing. You can see some of my favourites at the top of this post.
What I learned this month
As a family, we have been on a few trips over the summer. Naturally, I have been making images of all sorts of things that I came across. I rarely had time to focus on these for a long period as I was with other people. But I learned the value of five-minute creativity sessions. Some of these may turn into mini projects. Some will just be play. All are valuable in helping shape my vision.
What are my plans for next month?
Firstly, I must create the handmade versions of “The Intimate Landscapes of Ardnamurchan” that I wrote about next month. The online versions can be found here. (Please do not share the links but do encourage anyone who you think might like the books to sign up to get their own access.)
I will also be creating the layout for my zine “The Floor At The Arnolfini”. I plan to make a handmade version of this too.
I also have a week away walking in the Lake District. I do not plan to make images whilst I am there, but it is surprising what happens when you do not plan to be creative!
I also have a new challenge: make a different self-portrait every day this month. I will try and bare my soul to the camera! I have enjoyed self-portrait sessions before, but doing this so intensely for a longer period is rather outside my comfort zone.
What I’ve been writing about this month
This month I wrote about the value of creative networks. I have really benefitted from mine as it has slowly built up. So I would urge you to create your own. You can find out more about creative networks in this month’s blog.
What have I been reading this month
I have revisited the very moving author Andrew Miller. This time I am reading The Optimists. Andrew Miller is very good at taking one on a journey. This novel also features a photographer and the author has several interesting things to say about how photography and reality do or do not intertwine.
What have I been listening to this month
Do you remember the Ting Tings? If you need a reminder, they created “That’s not my name”. A friend introduced me to their excellent recent album “The Black Light (Manchester version)”.
Make sure you keep in touch
You can follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Mastodon. And please also e-mail directly: I really enjoy the conversations I have with those of you who have contacted me. And I love to see image and projects that you are proud of. And do send me recommendations for reading, listening, exhibitions, blog articles and more!