Why I am creating more handmade books (and how you can too)
A Japanese stab bound book with a postcard for a cover
Looking at a digital image is but a fleeting moment
Our attention spans are becoming ever shorter. Our scrolling speeds ever quicker. Most of the studies that I have seen suggest that on average we spend just a very few seconds looking at an image.
Is this why we produce images? To have them pretty much ignored by people who see them?
When we hold something physical, things change
Numerous studies show that we engage more with the printed page. Our understanding improves as well. Whilst much of the research concentrates on the written word, the same happens with images as well. I know that I speed through my Instagram feed but relax and take time with a photo book.
It’s not just a question of how long we spend looking at something. There is a definite beauty in something that is well made. We all appreciate a photo book that has been made with love and care.
This is the reason I have returned to creating handmade books
I have had a desire to craft a handmade book again for a while now. But something had been putting me off: I was worried about having to commit a large amount of time to making one. It seemed like a big project.
Recently, I finally put some time aside to make one. I found it an enjoyable, mindful project. I ended up with a booklet I was pleased with. And it took me far less time than I had envisaged.
I am now encouraging all photographers to give it a go.
Here are five reasons why we should all create handmade books:
1. It encourages us to create a body of work
I have written before about the benefit of working in projects. Images take on a far deeper meaning when they are displayed as a group rather than a singly. Remember, a project can be just six to eight images if you want.
2. It is a mindful process
One of the best skills to learn in photography is to slow down. And creating books is a brilliant way to achieve this. I find that I get lost in the details and in thinking about how I want my book to look as well as in the actual process of making the book.
3. It is a beautiful way to display our work
People always take a great interest in my handmade books. They create a good talking point. I would argue that it is one of the best ways to encourage people to spend more time looking at our images.
4. We see our images properly
Our images have been printed for a book. That means we see them properly calibrated for colour, not distorted by the screen settings on our devices. And we also see them displayed beautifully on their own, without the distractions of everything else in a social media feed.
5. We can celebrate our work and creativity
I always have a huge sense of achievement when I finish a book. Not only do I have a beautiful creation [HP1] in my hands, I feel that I have completed a project and shown it off in the best possible way. I have honoured my images.
A simple thread sewn book that can be created in around 45 minutes
Isn’t bookmaking very complicated?
There are some book making courses where one can spend many, many hours making a complicated, cloth bound book with an elegant stitching pattern. It doesn’t have to be this way!
The books that you see in this article took around 45 minutes each to create. All you need is some paper and thread, a ruler with a metal edge, a knife, a needle and something to make a hole with.
You don’t even need a home printer to create a photobook. I have made a number of books with blank pages and then stuck images inside.
It’s time to fight back against digital!
Create a tangible piece of work. Make a small series of images and show them properly in a book. The book can be as small as you like: I made one that was just 7.5cm/3 inches square. However simple your book, it will always elevate your art. Celebrate your work properly
PS Do you want to learn how easy it is to make handmade books?
I am running a half-day class where you learn how to make a simple thread sewn notebook and also learn the art of Japanese stab binding. Find out more and book your place here.