September newsletter: photo walks and mentoring
Windows in Georgian Bath (I show you this location and what I did on my Georgian Bath and craft beer photo walk)
It’s been a busy month of teaching
I am really enjoying running my photo walks and mentoring other photographers. It is very rewarding to see people learning and embracing different perspectives.
What I’ve been up to this month
I enjoyed running another smart phone photo walk in Bradford on Avon. It was particularly pleasing to see how attendees started approaching locations with new ideas and changed their way of seeing over the day.
I have also been mentoring two photographers, one in the basics of using their new camera and the other in searching for a more personal style of image making.
I will be running a similar photo walk in Bath on 28th September. I am also running a photo walk for all cameras which ends with a craft beer tasting in Bath in November. Scroll down for more details.
On a personal level, I have been spending more time writing about images this month. I have an idea for a new project and I am collaborating with another image maker on words and images.
What I learned this month
I still find new ways of seeing. I am becoming fascinated by windows and reflections. You can see an example of how windows can create unusual images at the top of this newsletter. I was delighted to win the #ShareMondays2024 weekly competition with this image. The competition is run on X/Twitter and is open to all.
I also learned that I need to balance my time a little better…
What are my plans for next month?
I will be looking at creating some new prints this month. These will be available at Made In Bradford On Avonand at the Bath Contemporary Arts Fair.
I also want to get back to making handmade books. I just need to find some time…
What I’ve been writing about this month
My most recent article is titled Why You Should Edit Incorrectly. Intrigued? Read it here.
What I visited this month
I went to Dorchester Museum & Art Gallery recently. There was a lot to see. I was particularly inspired by the sculptures and pictures of Dame Elizabeth Frink. They were also showing the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition. Much of this photography is too literal for me (although I admire the technical perfection and the lengths that some photographers go to). But there were some excellent more interpretive images as well.
What have I read this month
I have been reading Two Degrees West by Nicholas Crane. He walks along an exact compass line (and has to have special permission to walk through a car factory and the army training grounds at Salisbury Plain. But one receives a real sense of a gradually changing landscape and one meets many people from all walks of life in the book. It would make a fascinating photography project. Sadly, the book is currently out of print.
Upcoming workshops and events
If you want to find out more about any of my workshops to decide if they are right for you or have any questions, please hit reply to this email.
Exhibitions and events: I will be exhibiting at the Bath Contemporary Arts Fair on 10th November and 8thDecember. Do come and say hello. I will have a range of prints, both framed and unframed, as well as a couple of zines and a range of greetings cards.
Photography walks and workshops
Industrial Bath with a smartphone day – come and meet me in Bath on 28th September and learn how to take impressive pictures with your smartphone. This full day workshop concentrates on getting the most out of your smartphone, visiting some interesting locations and receiving personal feedback. We cover editing and lunch and the best cake in Bath is included! The day is designed to focus on areas of Bath that most people do not visit. You also receive two art prints of your work. See here for more information and booking.
NEW Georgian Bath and craft beer photo walk, November 16th – all types of camera welcome! I’ll show you the best of traditional Bath and then we will have a tutored craft beer tasting (wine or soft drinks also available) and there is feedback on images for those who want it. See here for more information and booking.
Individual creative mentoring online – I help you develop your creative vision. I have trained in brain friendly training and these sessions are designed to help you develop a practical path forward and an action plan. Each session is completely unique and tailored to your needs. See here for details.
Editing and advanced editing with your smartphone online – we meet on Zoom for a half day of learning how to edit with your smartphone. I sometimes take images from my traditional camera and choose to edit them on my smartphone. Find out why. What makes these sessions different is that I cover editing vision as well as how to edit. You also receive two art prints of your edits. See here for introductory editing and here for advanced editing.
The Vision: A five-week online workshop – I am running this with Rob Knight and it is aimed at those who wish to expand their creative vision and be inspired to try new ideas. I am really excited at how this is shaping up. Starts 6th October. See here for more information and booking.
Make sure you keep in touch
You can follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Mastodon as well as Bluesky. Please also e-mail directly: I really appreciate receiving personal e-mails from you. Please share images and projects send me recommendations for reading, listening, exhibitions, blog articles and more!
If you liked the newsletter, please do share it with friends and encourage them to sign up.